Release Note: Evetro v1.1.3b

You will now be able to recieve live updates, edit actions and vote on notes.

Release Note: Evetro v1.1.3b

What is new?

  • Evetro PS pattern: A WebSocket - based solution for listening on changes. Users receive live updates on notes and actions from other users on the same retrospective (on creation, deletion, changes).
  • Voting on notes: Retrospectives now offer the opportunity to prioritise the importance of some notes over others. Voting may be activated when creating or editing a retrospective. To cast a vote, the user clicks on either of two arrows on the note card in the page Team Insight. Total votes from all users will be shown on each note and group in the page Create Actions.
  • Team Action List: Actions may now be edited or removed from a retrospective


  • Creating retrospectives:
    • It is now possible to close the list of Gather and View methods by simply clicking outside the list
    • It is now possible to see which retrospective one has chosen for importing the last action list under the Warm up column
  • Retrospectives may now be deleted by facilitators
  • Creating actions: The list of groups in the sidebar is sorted by the aggregated number of votes on its notes, if voting is activated on the retrospective
  • Find retrospective: Each retrospective box shows the end date; each retrospective box is color coded to indicate whether the sprint has not yet started, is ongoing, or has ended
  • Team Insight: Incoming notes are animated
  • Team Action List: The next retrospective, using the current as the previous, can be created from this page, both sharing the same attributes (method, which modules to use, participant set, etc.); the dates on the next retrospective are set to last one week after the end of the current retrospective
  • Timeline:
    • Points can be now be dragged past other points in timeline and it will automatically resort itself on the fly
    • Added a field around nearby points when dragging and adding point to prevent user from stacking points to closely together
    • The users can now add multiple notes to each point. A note list will be shown when notes are added to point
    • It is now possible to add points without adding notes
    • The x-values in the timeline are now datetime values instead of pure dates. The points will no longer replace itself at the start of the day and will stay where it is dropped.


  • Dashboard: For small view windows, the elements in the dashboard no longer overflow across the sidebar; red default border upon loading is removed
  • Team Insight/Create actions: Note cards shall no longer stack vertically instead of using the whole view width
  • Create Actions: Escaping the group word input when writing a new note in Create Actions has been fixed to avoid recursive escaping of the ampersand letter


  • Naughty dev mode middleware: Production now runs a separate server module from the one used in development to combat lethal operation errors entailing a 502 Gateway error in browser
  • Authentication: After receiving news that the magic link email kept getting imprisoned by an aggressive spam filter, we have attempted to make our One Time Password deliveries more trustworthy to these bigoted bots by adding two text records, one featuring the SPF protocol, the other DMARC, to our domain and belonging subdomains