Release Note: Evetro v1.6.2

We summarize here the most important updates to version 1.6 of Evetro.

Release Note: Evetro v1.6.2


  • Debugged errors in the Publish-Subscribe solution
  • Sending an expired team or org code will not result in an error, but return an expiration message
  • Team codes or org codes may now at most last for 28 days
  • Users may now query notes whose content is longer than 250 characters
  • Fixed a bug with accepting team invitations in the notifications list in the Control Panel

Seeing as we also forgot to publish a release note on our latest minor release, which was launched on the 13th of December yesteryear, here is a quick rundown of the notable features and changes for v1.6:

  • New feature: The app can be now used to define client credetials for script integrations, read more about it here
  • Fix: Users may not create retrospectives with an empty title
  • Improvement: Added a spinning wheel on the Create Retrospective button to signalize to the user when a retrospective edit/creation is being persisted to our data storage.
  • Operations: We have run a new dependency audit, and all necessary updates of the 3rd party packages have been applied, mostly for backend dependencies
  • Improvement: Refactored out zombie code such that the Javascript bundle volume did not increase twofold.